: P A T I E N T :
Imagine speaking with a Physician for Free.
Imagine realtime interaction with Health Webinars.
Imagine negotiation for your medical bills.
Imagine coaching regarding the insurance system.
Imagine a resource for counselling.

: P R E M E D :
Imagine earning an Innov8 Scholarship.
Imagine obtaining special networking/medical connections.
Imagine learning public speaking, interviewing skills and resume development.
Imagine having a resource for employment and/or volunteer hours.
Imagine securing a Medical Observership/Shadowing.
Imagine being inducted into the Innov8 Honor Society.
Imagine having your Medical School application created/reviewed.
Imagine learning how to invest, budget and become an entrepreneur early on.

: M E D S T U D E N T :
Imagine being networked with a Residency Program Director or Politician for your career.
Imagine being inducted into the Innov8 Honor Society.
Imagine securing a strategic Medical Observership to lead into a Rotation slot for eventual Residency placement.
Imagine being trained on holistic medicine, stress management, burn out care, lifestyle optimization and life enjoyment.
Imagine earning an Innov8 Scholarship.
Imagine obtaining discounts for medical board examination review courses.
Imagine having your Medical School or Residency Application strategically created/reviewed.

: P H Y S I C I A N :
Imagine a deal with your first home or real estate investment or building your existing portfolio.
Imagine your own Charity Foundation.
Imagine learning and executing Life Insurance, College Planning, IRA, Disability, Annuities, Stocks and more.
Imagine being trained on holistic medicine, stress management, burn out care, lifestyle optimization and life enjoyment.
Imagine a source to recruit Associate Physicians and Partners for your Practice
Imagine obtaining technology services including brochure design and print, social media and SEO marketing, web design, EMR and billing services, telemedicine services and practice mechanics.
Imagine exposure into unique equity deals or other careers including medical devices, telemedicine, home health groups, franchising, foreclosures, political campaigning, HMOs and more.
Imagine contract negotiation for your first/next medical job or practice partnership.
It's Here ... Be an Innov8 Doctor !
To begin your Innov8 Benefits please contact us at Innov8YourLife@gmail.com